Getting started has to be one of the most difficult tasks we undertake as human beings. I have no idea why it’s so hard to begin a task – but there definitely something in us that just wants to keep procrastinating.

I was blessed enough to teach class last Wednesday night at Berea church of Christ. We discussed many things during the course of the lesson, but one of the most important was the fact that we don’t have to jump from 0 to 100 in our spiritual (or even physical) lives. I used to say (when I was a personal trainer) that “any movement is an improvement”. I still hold to this.

We all have the ability to improve spiritually but it is just so hard to get going! Getting started is the hardest part of achieving a goal. So, what is the solution?

In that Wednesday night class I put forth that one could start reading the Bible simply by reading one verse a day. Any movement (as long is it is forward movement) is an improvement. Maybe you can handle a chapter a day, five minutes a day, or maybe you are advanced and can engage in long study sessions. Any of these work as long as we aren’t “going backwards” and falling away from our good spiritual habits.

Remember, this isn’t just about Bible study. This applies to other areas of your spiritual life as well. Maybe you need to stop doing something. Maybe you need to add in more evangelism. Maybe you want to attend more services. The list is endless (we all need improvement in many areas).

So, this week’s blog is short and sweet and it encourages you to ask yourself just a few simple questions. Are your habits moving you towards Christ or away from Him? Are you improving or falling away? Are you growing spiritually or shrinking?

I think we all need to ask ourselves these questions from time to time and we all need to make sure our spiritual priorities are in the right order. After all, if we aren’t moving (forward) we aren’t improving! Thanks so much for reading and I’ll talk to you again soon.