Ministry and Sound Doctrine Built on the Foundation of The Lord's Church

Month: October 2022

Will Everyone Go To Heaven?

I find it extremely interesting that some folks see Christianity as a way to solve all of their problems after they live their life any way they please. They do not want to follow the meek and lowly life presented to us by Jesus yet they still want the great reward that Jesus has promised to all who follow after him.

Um, this is clearly a logical contradiction. If someone says that they will pay you for playing professional sports then it is quite obvious that they expect you to…um…actually play. Why is it different with Christianity? Jesus has given us a set of commandments that we need to strive to keep (while staying in a repentant state) and then, and only then, can we reap our reward.

In no way am I saying we earn our salvation – it is a gift from Jesus. However, we must adhere to the prerequisite commands of our Savior in order to receive that gift. You have to sign your check to cash it and the bank has every right to ask you to do that. It is the same with salvation, Jesus has every right to ask you to stay in a repentant state, confess, be baptized, and live faithfully. He is the one giving the gift and he has a right to ask you do do certain things in order to receive that gift.

Universalism, the belief that Jesus will save everyone on earth no matter their belief or religion, is such a doctrine. This video might better help you understand what I’m talking about. If you get a chance subscribe to may channel because I hope to be making more videos soon:

God Is Our Rock and Our Salvation

Psalm 62 discusses the fact that the only one we can truly rely on is our Creator. God is the only one that is consistently there for someone in times of doubt, trouble, strife, and loneliness.

The thing is, God is enough! You may have highs and lows with the other people in your life, but if you keep following the commandments of Christ you will be taken care of.

David, the writer of this Psalm, felt oppressed and attacked by those around him – but David kept his hope in God. It is unfair to base your hope in the people around you. It is unfair to you (for they can never live up to what you expect from them) and it is unfair to them (for they are imperfect just as you yourself are imperfect).

You should not expect the people in your life to give you what only God can give you. Only God can give you the ultimate support and love that you need. Humans support and love, but they must do so in an inferior manner to God. God’s love is completely just and unwavering. God’s ego does not get in the way of His love. A bad day at work does not get in the way of His love.

You should not put burdens on people that they cannot bear, and you must not expect them to show the same amount of affection and support every day. Only God can do that. As David so eloquently put it in Psalm 62:

Psa 62:2  He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

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