Jay, Author at Jay Scott https://jaymscott.com/author/jay/ Ministry and Sound Doctrine Built on the Foundation of The Lord's Church Tue, 27 Jun 2023 19:49:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://jaymscott.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cropped-A6EBE79A-4FB1-4509-86AB-5D7A8EE2D8F4-32x32.png Jay, Author at Jay Scott https://jaymscott.com/author/jay/ 32 32 The Bible is Our GPS https://jaymscott.com/the-bible-is-our-gps/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-bible-is-our-gps Fri, 17 Mar 2023 19:30:12 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=433 So often out in the world we look to our GPS to get directions to a specific location. This is now easier than ever with all of the technology that is packed into our smartphones. Google maps and Waze are but two of the myriad programs available for directions. But where do we get our […]

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So often out in the world we look to our GPS to get directions to a specific location. This is now easier than ever with all of the technology that is packed into our smartphones. Google maps and Waze are but two of the myriad programs available for directions.

But where do we get our directions when our desired destination is Heaven? Many look to their preacher or their pastors to get the information they need. In the Lord’s church this is often a valid method, but even within the body of Christ we should check out the information and validate it for ourselves:

Act 17:10  And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.

Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

When we are outside of the body of Christ, looking to man for direction is dangerous beyond measure. If one were to ask a false teacher “the way to Heaven”, they would get a multitude of answers – none of which would be correct.

That brings us back to the essence of today’s blog post. None of us should simply take our preachers “word for it”. When a preacher or teacher makes a claim, they should be able to back up that claim with the Bible, the Word of God.

Jas 3:1  My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

The word “masters” here is the Greek word didaskalos and means an instructor or teacher. The reason these teachers shall receive greater condemnation is because of the great responsibility of teaching the truth.

Let us hold our preacher/teachers accountable for their teaching, and let us always work to help our teachers see any error that they may be promoting. By doing so we can strengthen the body of Christ and keep our Bible study and worship services pure and holy.

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Is the Internet the New Frontier of Evangelism? https://jaymscott.com/is-the-internet-the-new-frontier-of-evangelism/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=is-the-internet-the-new-frontier-of-evangelism Sun, 25 Dec 2022 21:00:20 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=425 Well, the title of this blog should tell you its topic, so I’ll ask you a question. Should the internet be a focal point of modern evangelism or is it a cesspool of corruption? Is it an endless fountain of possible Christian conversions or literally “sin in your pocket”? The answer is yes. The internet […]

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Well, the title of this blog should tell you its topic, so I’ll ask you a question. Should the internet be a focal point of modern evangelism or is it a cesspool of corruption? Is it an endless fountain of possible Christian conversions or literally “sin in your pocket”? The answer is yes.

The internet is both corruption and possibility. When God created food, sex, material items, and an endless array of other “things”, He created them with a proper human use.

However, when the devil saw these “things” he also saw infinite ways to corrupt and disrupt the proper use of them. When God created food then the devil shifted that good thing into gluttony and lack of contentment. When God created sex the devil shifted it into pornography and the sex trade.

The devil can create nothing – but he can corrupt the wonderful things that God has made for our benefit and enjoyment. Our job is to learn to use the things God gives us in a Biblical way.

I see the internet as a new type of God-given blessing that must be used with responsibility and for the good of mankind. With the power of the internet we can look up Bible verses and commentaries in seconds. We can evangelize in ways we’ve never dreamed of (check out my YouTube channel to see just one of the ways we can reach people).

However, we all know that with the power of the internet we can also look up pornography and horrible photos of death and corruption in seconds. We can communicate with others across the world in sinful and improper ways.

The choice is yours. Will you use the power of the internet for good for for evil? Will you choose the path of light or the path of darkness? Let us all choose the path of light. This is, after all, the new frontier.

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Do Demons Exist Today? https://jaymscott.com/do-demons-exist-today/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=do-demons-exist-today Sun, 04 Dec 2022 19:02:32 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=420 Demons have always been one of the most confusing topics in the Bible. Do they exist today? Did they exist in the past? If they do exist, then how much power do they have in people’s lives today? Well, the answer to the first two questions is yes. While we don’t know exactly what demons […]

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Demons have always been one of the most confusing topics in the Bible. Do they exist today? Did they exist in the past? If they do exist, then how much power do they have in people’s lives today?

Well, the answer to the first two questions is yes. While we don’t know exactly what demons are – they may be fallen angels or they may be the wicked spirits of men – we do know that they exist. The Bible clearly tells us so.

However, the third question, regarding demonic power and its influence in people’s lives today, is a bit more complicated to answer. The Bible tells us that when that which is perfect comes (the completed New Testament) then that which is partial will pass away (1 Cor 13:8-10). In this same section it also tells us that prophecies, tongues, and “knowledge” will pass away.

The casting out of demons was certainly a miracle in the time of Jesus and the apostles. Yet, from reading these verses it seems that miracles have ceased. And if the miraculous ability to cast out demons has ended, then wouldn’t it make sense that God would take away demon possession as well? It doesn’t seem logical that God would leave demons here and take away our ability to counter them.

So, the Bible does indeed tell us that the time of miracles, prophecy, and demons has passed away.

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Did Jesus Really Exist? https://jaymscott.com/did-jesus-really-exist/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=did-jesus-really-exist Sat, 19 Nov 2022 15:48:15 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=417 This week I thought I would clear up confusion about Jesus Christ and His ministry here on earth. It seems that some people (especially our young people) do not have the proper knowledge about the existence of Jesus. What I mean by this is that some people think that Jesus was a “made up” fictional […]

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This week I thought I would clear up confusion about Jesus Christ and His ministry here on earth. It seems that some people (especially our young people) do not have the proper knowledge about the existence of Jesus.

What I mean by this is that some people think that Jesus was a “made up” fictional character. This is simply not the case. Now, this is not just me saying this, but practically every reputable scholar on the planet.

I think that we should be sure to inform our young people – who are often going off to secular colleges and have secular friends – that Jesus Christ is a real historical figure. There are many Non-Christian historical sources that attest to the existence of Jesus. Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and Josephus just to name a few.

And there are also very, very few modern secular scholars who deny that Jesus existed. For the most part, they all agree, Jesus was a real and living historical figure.

There is plenty of evidence for Jesus existence, and, yes, there is also plenty of evidence for his divinity. I also hope that this quick article will give viewers the desire to seek further evidence of Jesus divinity, allowing them to come to the knowledge that Jesus was indeed the Son of God.

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Will Everyone Go To Heaven? https://jaymscott.com/is-christian-universalism-true/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=is-christian-universalism-true Tue, 25 Oct 2022 18:09:55 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=405 I find it extremely interesting that some folks see Christianity as a way to solve all of their problems after they live their life any way they please. They do not want to follow the meek and lowly life presented to us by Jesus yet they still want the great reward that Jesus has promised […]

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I find it extremely interesting that some folks see Christianity as a way to solve all of their problems after they live their life any way they please. They do not want to follow the meek and lowly life presented to us by Jesus yet they still want the great reward that Jesus has promised to all who follow after him.

Um, this is clearly a logical contradiction. If someone says that they will pay you for playing professional sports then it is quite obvious that they expect you to…um…actually play. Why is it different with Christianity? Jesus has given us a set of commandments that we need to strive to keep (while staying in a repentant state) and then, and only then, can we reap our reward.

In no way am I saying we earn our salvation – it is a gift from Jesus. However, we must adhere to the prerequisite commands of our Savior in order to receive that gift. You have to sign your check to cash it and the bank has every right to ask you to do that. It is the same with salvation, Jesus has every right to ask you to stay in a repentant state, confess, be baptized, and live faithfully. He is the one giving the gift and he has a right to ask you do do certain things in order to receive that gift.

Universalism, the belief that Jesus will save everyone on earth no matter their belief or religion, is such a doctrine. This video might better help you understand what I’m talking about. If you get a chance subscribe to may channel because I hope to be making more videos soon:


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God Is Our Rock and Our Salvation https://jaymscott.com/god-is-our-rock-and-our-salvation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=god-is-our-rock-and-our-salvation Thu, 13 Oct 2022 16:49:06 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=395 Psalm 62 discusses the fact that the only one we can truly rely on is our Creator. God is the only one that is consistently there for someone in times of doubt, trouble, strife, and loneliness. The thing is, God is enough! You may have highs and lows with the other people in your life, […]

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Psalm 62 discusses the fact that the only one we can truly rely on is our Creator. God is the only one that is consistently there for someone in times of doubt, trouble, strife, and loneliness.

The thing is, God is enough! You may have highs and lows with the other people in your life, but if you keep following the commandments of Christ you will be taken care of.

David, the writer of this Psalm, felt oppressed and attacked by those around him – but David kept his hope in God. It is unfair to base your hope in the people around you. It is unfair to you (for they can never live up to what you expect from them) and it is unfair to them (for they are imperfect just as you yourself are imperfect).

You should not expect the people in your life to give you what only God can give you. Only God can give you the ultimate support and love that you need. Humans support and love, but they must do so in an inferior manner to God. God’s love is completely just and unwavering. God’s ego does not get in the way of His love. A bad day at work does not get in the way of His love.

You should not put burdens on people that they cannot bear, and you must not expect them to show the same amount of affection and support every day. Only God can do that. As David so eloquently put it in Psalm 62:

Psa 62:2  He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

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Put God First https://jaymscott.com/put-god-first/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=put-god-first Wed, 31 Aug 2022 19:36:46 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=374 Martin Luther said that it is impossible to break one of the Ten Commandments without first breaking the first commandment: Exo 20:3  Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Today, we do not go explicitly by the Ten Commandments because we are under the new covenant (which Jesus brought into being). Nine of the Ten […]

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Martin Luther said that it is impossible to break one of the Ten Commandments without first breaking the first commandment:

Exo 20:3  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Today, we do not go explicitly by the Ten Commandments because we are under the new covenant (which Jesus brought into being). Nine of the Ten Commandments are still applicable today, because they are repeated in the New Testament. Only “remember the Sabbath” is done away with under the new covenant.

Still, Martin Luther’s point holds a great deal of value and truth. If one were to take a shady business deal in order to gain a great deal of money – then they would be placing money as an idol above God. If one were to go out on their wife, they would be placing their own lust and desire above the will of God (and God’s design for marriage).

As you go about this week think about the “gods” you might be placing above the One True God. Remember, idolatry does not have to be the worship of icons made of wood or metal. An idol is anything you put above the will of God for your life.

We know God’s will through his Word and the commandments he has given us therein. Let us not place anything above his divine and holy will, for nothing is comparable in value to our eternal destiny.

Mar 8:36  For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

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C.S. Lewis and Evolution https://jaymscott.com/c-s-lewis-and-evolution/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=c-s-lewis-and-evolution Fri, 12 Aug 2022 22:54:34 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=371 C.S. Lewis, a great writer, once wrote an essay that discussed the fact that evolution is every bit as much of a myth as any other false religion. Now, he was not speaking of Christianity (for which there is ample proof), but rather of “other religions” that do not have sufficient evidence supporting their claims. […]

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C.S. Lewis, a great writer, once wrote an essay that discussed the fact that evolution is every bit as much of a myth as any other false religion. Now, he was not speaking of Christianity (for which there is ample proof), but rather of “other religions” that do not have sufficient evidence supporting their claims.

Lewis went on to discuss how compelling the myth of evolution was. After all, to think that we humans evolved to where we are today from a mere bacterium is astounding to say the least. It’s a true underdog story! Unfortunately, there isn’t enough evidence for macro-evolution to fill a thimble.

Notice I said macro-evolution. Evolution that results in large and complex changes like the formation of new species. No theologian (or scientist for that matter) worth his salt will deny micro-evolution, which is the adaptation and selection of creatures that already exist – but to claim that the changes that occur in an already existing organism actually created the organism is quite absurd. There is no evidence for that.

Lewis said that many scientists even in his day were eager to give up on Darwinism, but that there were several key reasons why it hung on (despite insufficient evidence). First, there was the political effectiveness of the theory of evolution. This theory (when applied to politics) would give the false hope that we are just one elected official away from a utopian society. This keeps the people engaged in the political realm.

According to Lewis, one other reason for not giving up on evolutionary theory is one of economics. There is nothing better for a business than the theory of evolution. Think about it. Every year a better car, smartphone, computer, etc. comes out, and evolution demands that it is better than the one before! So, you should go out and buy that thing! The same holds true with fashion and style. Air Jordan’s anyone?

Technology. Automobiles. Politics. Fashion. Evolutionary theory benefits them all. No wonder it is so hard to get rid of! As Christians we must be on guard against all false religions – even when they come in the guise of science. We must educate our friends, family, and yes, our children about the false doctrines that permeate the culture. Then, we must patiently open their eyes to the greatest truth in the cosmos through the inerrant Word of God.

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Spreading the Gospel of Christ https://jaymscott.com/spreading-the-gospel-of-christ/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=spreading-the-gospel-of-christ Fri, 29 Jul 2022 14:31:47 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=367 If I were asked to choose an area that is lacking in the Lord’s church today, I would most choose evangelism. Over the years the need and desire of Christians to spread the gospel seems to have grown weaker. However, Jesus does not let us off the hook on this one. In Matt 28:18-19 he […]

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If I were asked to choose an area that is lacking in the Lord’s church today, I would most choose evangelism. Over the years the need and desire of Christians to spread the gospel seems to have grown weaker.

However, Jesus does not let us off the hook on this one. In Matt 28:18-19 he states that we should go and teach all nations, baptize them, and teach them to observe all that he commands.

I often hear people say that we should be a good example, and that is a wonderful thing for sure. We should let our light shine and be Christians in the world (Matt 5:16). However, we should also seek to save the lost in other ways.

Someone may ask, what other ways are there? Door knocking? That doesn’t work in the modern world. Well, first of all, door knocking does work. I think a number of church of Christ preachers would attest to that. Will the vast majority of people reject you? Absolutely. The majority rejected Jesus himself!

Still, starting out with door knocking is like starting your basketball career in the NBA. It’s a little advanced for most churches right now. I personally believe that we should do two things to improve evangelism in the Lord’s church today:

  1. We should look at (and make a note of) where we are now.
  2. We should strive to improve that…now.

We should not strive to improve our evangelism situation tomorrow. We should strive to do it now. I assert that any action counts. Know someone who needs Christ in their life? Send them a letter. Need a way to live stream your services? Get that in order.

We actually have ladies that give away clothes at our congregation. They often put a “Basic Bible References” card in the bag with the clothes. In my opinion, anything you can do to spread the gospel today that you didn’t do yesterday is a good start for evangelism.

But we must get started. Time is running out. Let us not be caught in sloth when the Lord comes. His command to covert sinners holds as firm today as it did centuries ago…

Joh 4:35  Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.

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Paul at the Areopagus https://jaymscott.com/paul-at-the-areopagus/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=paul-at-the-areopagus Thu, 21 Jul 2022 14:53:33 +0000 https://jaymscott.com/?p=361 In my recent studies I have been exploring the journey of Paul into Athens and (particularly) his discussion with the council of philosophers and officials at the Areopagus. This story is found in Acts 17. The Areopagus was a rock outcropping northwest of the Acropolis and was an important meeting place for a group regarded […]

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In my recent studies I have been exploring the journey of Paul into Athens and (particularly) his discussion with the council of philosophers and officials at the Areopagus. This story is found in Acts 17. The Areopagus was a rock outcropping northwest of the Acropolis and was an important meeting place for a group regarded as the Greek Council.

This council was formed of elders and representatives of the city (and many philosophers) and was quite powerful and influential (similar to what the Senate would have been in Rome). Here, discussions would be held about various gods, new ideas, city matters, and philosophies. Paul was taken here by the council so they could hear his thoughts, beliefs, and ideas (Acts 17:19 NET).

Paul taken to the Areopagus

Notice I said “taken” to the Areopagus. The terminology used here is very similar to Acts 16:19-20 where Paul and Silas are “seized” and “dragged” into the marketplace to face the authorities. This council felt they had the legal right to hear any new “ideas” that were brought forth and to make sure that they did not endanger the city.

So, what seems like a great discussion of ideas with various philosophers and council members is actually (again) a trial of sorts. Paul deals with it well and his lessons in evangelism here are immense. First, he relates to his audience by stating that he can see they are “very religious” (Acts 17:22).

Paul Begins his Oration

Next, he asserts that he can identify the “unknown god” that they have built an altar for. It seems they had many gods and idols and had built this altar in case they had left one out. Regardless, Paul preaches God to them and then relates to them once again by quoting one of their respected philosopher/poets, Aratus, who said ‘For we too are his offspring’ (Acts 17:28-29).

Paul is certainly using rhetoric and argument in a powerful way – but he is also using it in a Godly way. Paul is “softening the blow” for his “elite” and “sophisticated” audience. He is relating to these people on a personal level before giving them the hard truth of God, Jesus, and the resurrection.

Evangelism Today

What can we learn from this that might influence our own evangelism today? Well, I think we can learn to relate to our audience before giving them harsh truths. I think we can see where someone is right before we address where they are wrong, and I think that we can follow all of that up with God’s saving truth.

Finally, there is one more step that should be mentioned. If, after presenting the truth, you are rejected, then you must move on to the next opportunity. That doesn’t mean you’ll never try to evangelize to that person again, but it does mean that for the time being you must “shake the dust off your feet” and leave them for a time (Matt 10:14). After all, the fields are white for harvest (John 4:35).

Spreading the gospel is not so much about the success as it is about the trying. God causes the growth, we can but plant and water. I always loved this line by T.S. Eliot in his book of poems, Four Quartets:

“For us there is only the trying, the rest is not our business.”

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